Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Some Sad SP News

A brief update to bring some long overdue news. I had intended to put this up on the website last year, but as usual life got in the way. I have finally gotten around to writing up a tribute to original Strange Paradise cast member Paisley Maxwell, who died in August of 2010. Ms. Maxwell was one of the people who brought the Maljardin storyline to life, and on a personal note was one of my favorite interviewees.

Check out my brief tribute right here.

Brief Update

Sorry all for the delay in updating the website. Sometimes, as we all know, life can get in the way of important things like Strange Paradise! I wanted to let everyone know, though, that the delay is only temporary.

Recently I was unfortunately one of the latest victims of our bad economy and lost my job that I had had for the past 11 years. Naturally it came as quite the shock and my efforts have been directed towards finding more gainful employment. I am happy to note that the outlook seems promising, so hopefully I will be able to get back to some updates very soon!